Cotação 1250/2022
: 1250/2022
: 4.040.020
: 20220016501

A Fundação de Apoio a Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Fundação Uniselva, CNPJ: 04.845.150/0001-57, situada na Avenida Fernando Corrêa da Costa - 2367 - Campus UFMT - Boa Esperança - CEP 78060-900, solicita a proposta de preço para o(s) item(ns) e/ou serviço(s) abaixo relacionado(s)

Tipo Marca Quantidade Descricao
MATERIAL LABORATORIAL 1 AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents / AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents (AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents are designed for sensitive, robust amplification of RNA targets using a rapid single-tube TaqMan™ real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) strategy. • Recommended for RNA pathogen amplification • Consistent amplification of RNA targets with high specificity and sensitivity • Optimized to work with your target-specific primers and probes • Contains ROX for quantitative fluorescent signal normalization AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents are configured for fast and simple reaction setup. The reactions are assembled in a single tube, minimizing sample handling errors and expediting set-up time. Once assembled, results are available in approximately one hour. The 25X RT-PCR Enzyme Mix included in the kit contains highly efficient ArrayScript™ Reverse Transcriptase, a mutant MMLV RT that produces high cDNA yields, and AmpliTaq Gold™ polymerase, the preferred hot-start DNA polymerase for specific target amplification. The 2X RT-PCR Buffer has been optimized for efficient, robust reverse transcription and PCR includes the passive reference dye, ROX™ Dye, for quantitative fluorescent signal normalization. Catalog number: 4387424 500 reações Applied Biosystems™) - 1,00 (Unidades)
MATERIAL LABORATORIAL 1 MagMAX™ CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit / MagMAX™ CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit (The MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit is a highly-effective solution for purifying RNA and DNA from an expansive range of veterinary sample types. The universal chemistry is optimized for use on a variety of KingFisher magnetic particle processors and the kit's modular design enables flexibility to evolve with future testing needs. The MagMAX CORE kit helps to streamline laboratory workflows for downstream real-time PCR, RT-PCR, and sequencing applications. The MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit offers: • Pre-mixed, room-temperature reagents, greatly improving product handling and storage • Minimal extraction and reagent preparation time, to get diagnostic results more quickly • Complete workflows that address 14 unique sample types, providing a universal sample preparation solution • A single protocol adapted on multiple KingFisher magnetic particle processors, unifying all workflows regardless of throughput Accelerate The MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit provides faster instrument processing times, allowing for diagnostic results more quickly. The kit needs less preparation time, due to pre-mixed washes that do not require the addition of alcohols. The MagMAX CORE workflow provides higher-quality nucleic acids than other on-market chemistries, which leads to fewer workflow interruptions and greater diagnostic sensitivity. Optimize The MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit requires less KingFisher plastics, eliminating unnecessary waste and costs. All kit reagents are stored at room temperature, greatly improving product handling and saving on storage space and costs. The MagMAX kit operates using a single protocol adapted on multiple KingFisher magnetic particle processors, unifing workflows regardless of throughput. The chemistry is optimized to address 15 unique sample types, including: • Whole blood • Feces • Oral fluid • Animal, fecal, and environmental swabs • Tissue • Milk • Hair follicles • Semen • Serum • Ear notches • Ear punches • Environmental samples • BioMed Diagnostics InPouch TF (Tritrichomonas foetus) culture • Plasma Evolve The MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit is designed to be the last sample preparation you may ever need to validate. It utilizes a ‘CORE’ chemical formulation and couples easily to flexible modules, introducing new applications without introducing new chemistries. The novel MagMAX CORE kit formulation and workflow prepares samples for downstream sequencing applications. Catalog number: A32702 Applied Biosystems™) - 1,00 (Unidades)
MATERIAL LABORATORIAL 1 PowerTrack™ SYBR Green Master Mix / PowerTrack™ SYBR Green Master Mix (PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix is a pre-formulated, optimized, universal 2X master mix for real-time PCR workflows with built-in visual dye–based indicators for accurate reaction set up. Coupled with user-supplied primer sets and template, PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix is designed to amplifiy targets for accurate gene expression analysis. Features of PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix include: • Built-in visual indicators aid in reaction setup • Broad primer Tm and concentration compatibility allows qPCR reaction setup flexibility with minimal optimization • Specific and tight reproducibility in Ct’s over a broad dynamic range • Formulated with UNG/dUTP to prevent contamination of carryover PCR products Built-in visual indicators PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix contains an inert blue dye that does not interfere with real-time PCR but provides increased visibility in the tube or well. A separate sample buffer is provided that contains an inert yellow dye. The optional use of this yellow sample buffer results in a reaction mixture that changes from blue to green upon addition of the sample, helping one avoid pipetting mistakes. The yellow sample buffer aids in reaction setup, but is not required to obtain superior results with PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix. Formulated for maximum specificity and reproducibility PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix contains Taq DNA polymerase, which is tightly controlled through an antibody-mediated hot-start mechanism, helping prevent undesirable early activity of the polymerase at low temperatures that can lead to nonspecific amplification. PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix is designed for exceptional performance in your most challenging real-time PCR applications. Broad instrument compatibility PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix can be used in either standard or fast cycling mode and is compatible with all Applied Biosystems real-time PCR instruments. It is also compatible with the Bio-Rad CFX96™, CFX384™, and iQ™5; Roche LightCycler™ 480; and Agilent Mx3005P™ systems. For optimal results, primer concentrations should be in the range of 300–800 nM. UNG for carryover contamination control Contamination in labs that routinely run PCR is a major concern for many researchers and is the source of most false positives. The inclusion of UNG and dUTP in PowerTrack SYBR Green Master Mix results in the degradation of any previously amplified PCR products and helps prevent contamination of subsequent qPCR reactions. Catalog number: A46109 500 reações Applied Biosystems™) - 1 (Unidades)
OUTROS MATERIAIS DE CONSUMO 1 Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix / Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix (Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix Applied Biosystems™ Catalog number: 4388644 500 reações Ambion™ Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix is a convenient enzyme, buffer, and dNTP mix for TaqMan™ probe-based, real-time PCR detection of DNA targets. It is optimized for targets of importance in animal health and to function in the presence of PCR inhibitors. The mix is supplied in one tube suitable for 100 reactions. With the exception of PCR primers and probes for your target, the master mix contains everything you need for real-time PCR, including: • AmpliTaq Gold™ ultrapure thermostable DNA polymerase designed for automatic hot start, to minimize nonspecific PCR products • Optimized buffer and dNTP concentration, for reliable PCR • Passive internal reference, based on proprietary ROX™ dye, for precise data analysis. Number: 4388644 ) - 1 (Unidades)
Av. Fernando Corrêa da Costa, Campus da UFMT 2367 - Bloco Fundação Uniselva - Boa Esperança - 78060-900 - Cuiabá/MT
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28/10/2022 00:00:00
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